Supervised Release individuals are granted ‘conditional liberty’

This is a non-extensive yet inclusive list of the liberties lost and the disabilities gained by assuming a life-time of supervised release—the Federal sentencing equivalent of probation.

Supervised Release individuals are granted ‘conditional liberty’ subject to special and unique restrictions:

>supervised release includes probation;

>20 percent lost productive time.
– 5 days a month treatment
– 1 to 2 days a month probation meeting
– occasional drug test and polygraph;

> lose of voting rights;
> can not protect myself (2nd amendment);
> can not hunt {food and shelter};
> travel restricted to discretion of PO {interstate commerce};
> future is indefinitely determinate to discretion of probational restraints {extend[ed]/[sive] punishment};
> residency restriction (see Sept. 14th 2012 appeals court upholds as-applied challenge[])
> work restriction {disheartening for a professional and disenfranchising to civil productivity};
> violation of terms; endangerment (self) or manipulation (others) – Among these weeds is a hybrid of vicarious liability
> resources over used by community and state/federal agencies {$$$};
> defies due process rights;
> affirmative disabilities – viewed cumulatively, are so excessive that they are no longer rationally connected to their non-punitive purpose;
> does not enhance my ability to progress;
> distorts my vision of what is acceptable {contact w/ minors, alcohol, adult materials, travel, anything a typical male would enjoy around the water cooler};
> limit the use of my business assets
– the Internet is a right not a privileged;
> expenses incurred from vandalism
– examples, windows or tires destroyed;
> refused residential substance abuse treatment because providers will not accept registered sex offenders at their facilities;
> physically threatened;
> barred from homeless shelters;
> denied their basic human rights;
> loss of dignity when rejected from job or residency;

This is the “short list.” This version was written without much thought or predetermination, they presented the easiest answers, off the top of my head, with very little preconceived impressions to a question I was asked .  The question, asked by my [probation] Officer, was, “…well, you really don’t have many restriction on probation, do you?” I really did not want to give her my answer at the time, as it was a review meeting. So here it is and I hope many can benefit by sharing this with their colleagues.

In conclusion, a felony conviction suspends a person’s civil liberties and creates restraints designed to disenfranchise goals and productivity. The person loses the right to vote, the right to hold public office of trust or profit, the right to serve as a juror and right to possess a gun. A felony conviction may also prevent a person from obtaining business and professional licenses, government secured loans and housing.
If a person with a felony has a life-time of supervision—which is common in some Districts for sex offenses—then the punitive damages are extensive and breach the 14th Amendment; and the Due Process Clause. Since the purpose of probation is to allow “some” supervision during a convictions’ release period, punitive damages are incurred by life-time probation which, are equivalent to life-time punishment, thereby nullifying the purpose of the probation (allowing time for recovery and treatment) and ignoring the Constitution of the United States by extensive, cruel and unusual punishment. A persons civil liberties may be restored but, not while they are on probation. A life-time judgment of probation is slapping the citizen in the face telling them they may never have their civil rights back, ever, again. why would this person continue to live in America? You are no longer an American-Citizen under these conditions; you are stripped of all civil liberties for life.

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