Internet-facilitated Sexual Offending Internet-facilitated Sexual Offending

Several overlapping, follow-up studies of child pornography offenders suggest these individuals present less risk for future hands-on offenses, on average, than undifferentiated samples of contact sex offenders.[iii] The study with the longer follow-up period revealed that 8.5% of the sample committed a contact sexual offense after an average “at risk” period of almost six years. Child pornography offenders also presented

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Facts and Statistics on Sexual Offensive Acts Facts and Statistics on Sexual Offensive Acts

  How Common Are Sex Crimes? Sex crimes are unfortunately fairly common in the United States. It is estimated that one in every five girls and one in every seven boys are sexually abused by the time they reach adulthood. One in six adult women and one in 33 adult men experience an attempted or completed sexual assault. Why Do

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Up-to-date Registrant Count Up-to-date Registrant Count

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Sexually Offensive Acts: Who Defines Them? Sexually Offensive Acts: Who Defines Them?

So now I am really confused: the purpose of the Registry is to protect the children; or is the purpose to make a mockery of American values by listing all people who have poor sexual desires onto a registry? If it is for the purpose of “protecting the children from harm” then put only the adults who have harmed a

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Where Do They Really Live Where Do They Really Live

The Registry, for sex related criminal records, does not cure anything nor has it saved any child’s life nor has it really done anything for society other than make some residents feel angry, disgusted and rebellious over who is living in their neighborhood. The Registry is not accurate1 less than 75% of the addresses listed could have been correct, as at

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Fighting the Destruction of Families Fighting the Destruction of Families

Please Join Us Wednesday, January 20th for our Meet & Greet Event At the ‘Rose Garden’ area of the Arizona State Capitol Lawn From 11:30 AM till 6:00 PM Or the The historic Senate Chambers Room 2:00 PM till 4:00 PM During your visit you will learn about our nationwide organization We are the mothers, wives, daughters, fiancees and grandmothers

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A Certificate of Rehabilitation is a court certified document declaring that a person is now obeying the laws of the land and demonstrating good moral character. A Certificate of Rehabilitation is designed to restore civil and political rights of citizenship to ex-felons (and some misdemeanants) who have proved their rehabilitation. People v. Lockwood (App. 1 Dist. 1998) 77 Cal.Rptr.2d 769,


PSA: Attention all Registrants and Family PSA: Attention all Registrants and Family

Lets take a moment and look around this country; Government restraint is increasing at an all time high, tensions among the public races are deteriorating rapidly and international relations are not exactly stable. Now you may be asking yourself why I have pointed out these things that are blatantly and obviously accepted as common knowledge. Here is something else that

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Get involved Get involved

It has recently come to my attention, that many people are for lack of a better word “[spineless]”. I’m not just referring to politicians that behind closed doors will speak out against the registry, or any other political matter that would seem to be a more constitutional way of life, but wouldn’t dare speak out in public for fear of

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The Supreme Court’s Crucial Mistake About Sex Crime Statistics The Supreme Court’s Crucial Mistake About Sex Crime Statistics

A commonly-cited statistic about sex offender re[cidivism] rates is wrong. ABSTRACT This brief essay reveals that the sources relied upon by the Supreme Court in Smith v. Doe, a heavily cited constitutional decision on sex offender registries, in fact provide no support at all for the facts about sex offender re-offense rates that the Court treats as central to its

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