Fighting the Destruction of Families

Please Join Us

Wednesday, January 20th for our
Meet & Greet Event

At the ‘Rose Garden’ area of the Arizona State Capitol Lawn

From 11:30 AM till 6:00 PM

Or the

The historic Senate Chambers Room 2:00 PM till 4:00 PM

During your visit you will learn about our nationwide organization

We are the mothers, wives, daughters, fiancees and grandmothers of
Women Against Registry
On January 20th please join us at the capitol where we will have a display on the grounds and walk the halls of the senate and house offices leaving WAR brochures and an invitation to a Meet and Greet that evening.
Meet & Greet Invitations will also go out to the ACLU, Public Defenders and Sex Crimes attorneys in the area. We plan to discuss the collateral damage of a registry and restrictions on our registrant families, share research data and options. Please note that content and discussion about the causes of WAR shall be polite, respectful, concise and truthful.
Questions should be directed to us via our national number 800-311-3764

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